The words, the words
They fly all around
But none can be heard
Cos you’re working out
What needs to be said
You’re stuck in your thoughts
Inside your own head
Instead of focusing
On what I’m trying to convey
You’re thinking about
The next thing you’ll say
So you don’t notice the words
Unsaid and spoken
My body, the message
Signposts of what’s broken
I get shut down
Before I’m even open
You’re not listening to me
My words might as well be unspoken
You have your ideas,
Your insights, your solutions
You want me to see them
Neutralise my life pollution
But you don’t know my problems
No clue of how I tick
Cos you didn’t take the time
To listen, to click
We never connected
So I didn’t trust
Your interest in me
More weighty than dust
A connection that shows
That you really care
My voice counts for something
For me you’re really there
So ask me questions
Open and enquiring
And let me speak
Without judgemental perspiring
Don’t interrupt me
Don’t frequently interject
I need time to express
To formulate, accept
For the words I speak
Are often news to me
Thoughts deep inside
Desperate to be free
And when there’s a moment
An appropriate time
It’s time for the magic
The real listening paradigm
Show me you hear me
By repeating, reflecting
Of meaning, of feeling
Empathy infecting
And please I implore
I beg, I plead
Don’t issue trite clichés
Like ‘I hear you’, indeed
Please lose the script
The insincerity reeks
I need proper interaction
The one who finds, the one who seeks
You don’t know it all
You don’t know me for a start
The way you will find me
Is if I see your heart
I see your heart
By you taking the time
To hear my feelings
Hear my reason, my rhyme
And once you’ve heard me
I’ll be able to hear
The words that come from you
Your insights to be freer
Cos you’ll be starting from
The place that I am
Suggestions appropriate
No use of battering rams
The feelings connection
Overcoming the barriers
Together we’ll become
The problem-solving harriers
If you don’t do this
The ‘words’ that will fly
F*** off, or ignoring
A chair or a lie
Nothing will change
Nothing’ll get better
I’ll hunker down some more
Write my ‘worthless’ confirmation letter
To hear is to care
To care is to know
The truth that’s within me
That’s the way I will grow
So listen to me
Validate my existence
Then let words fly into my ears
Listening’s reciprocity insistence.
4 comments On Flying words: listening to hear
That is a fantastic poem …It absolutely says it all!!
This poem is amazing. A true reflection of the inner soul.
Poor parents can’t do right for doing wrong. It’s like walking through a forest set with traps. We must all look after each other and that includes the teenager-
Brilliant – a must read for all professionals working with teens